Samarkand’s tourism opportunities were widely demonstrated in Spain as the Uzbek Delegation took an official working trip to Valencia.
With the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Madrid, a working trip was organized for the delegation of the Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region to the Spanish city of Valencia.
During the visit, the Uzbek delegation held a presentation dedicated to the tourist attractions of Samarkand, and what the region can offer for those traveling to Uzbekistan. The presentation took place at the Tourist Center of Valencia (CdT Valencia) on the topic “Samarkand - the tourist gate of New Uzbekistan.”
The Uzbek Delegation consisted of the representatives of the Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region, the leadership of the Samarkand State Museum, the directorate for repair and operation of the Registan ensemble, the Samarkand regional association "Hunarmand", the honorary consul of Uzbekistan in Valencia, as well as representatives of leading travel companies in Valencia.
The participants were informed about the extensive reforms aimed at developing the tourism sector of our country implemented during recent years, as well as the opportunities provided to foreign travel companies to support the tourism sector, including benefits allocated for the promotion of charter flights to Uzbekistan.
The rich history, culture and tourism potential of our country were mentioned as key factors to attract foreign tourists to travel to Uzbekistan, including the role of the ancient cities of Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva.
The Deputy Head of the Samarkand Region Tourism Department Mahmud Akhmedov presented detailed information on the improvement of tourism infrastructure of the region, the construction of new hotels in Samarkand, and modern conveniences created for foreign tourists visiting Samarkand.
Samarkand was noted as the place with rich history and culture in the world by the Honorary Consul of Uzbekistan in Valencia, Jose Maria Chiquiyo, mentioning the city as one of the most popular tourist destinations for Spanish people.
“Samarkand is one of the oldest cities in the world, a center of science, culture and art,” said the honorary consul. - The Great Silk Road connected East and West 2000 years ago, and part of it leads back to Xi'an, China. The city of Valencia is 11 thousand kilometers away, and Samarkand is 6 thousand kilometers away. The intersection of different cultures is reflected in the Great Silk Road, and it is impossible to understand Uzbekistan, located in its very heart, without visiting regions such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, and the Fergana Valley.”