Uzbekistan takes the 46th place worldwide in the safety rating for travelers and becomes the leader among the countries of the CIS, being ranked first in the list that includes 180 countries overall.
The rating has been published by the French Portal INSURLY, which used the calculation system based on the occurrence of natural disasters, health standards, crime cases, including terrorism threat and the risks of transport.
The first place for the safety and security of tourists in 2020 has been given to Switzerland, which gained 93.4 points out of 100. The second safest country for traveling was recognized as Singapore, gaining 92.7 points, followed by Norway with its 91.1 points.
Luxemburg, Cyprus, Iceland, Denmark, Portugal, Finland and Japan have also taken the leading positions in the list of the safest countries in the world.
Uzbekistan has been rated with 70.3 points and took the 46th position in the overall list. The riskiest factor for tourists was considered as natural disasters according to the compilers of the rating, where Uzbekistan has only 25 points of the 100. A high level of health standards has also been remarked, giving Uzbekistan 81 points. The ranking in this regard could be higher if not for the air pollution level in the region.
Harassment safety in Uzbekistan has been rated at 79 points, particularly rating the threat of terrorism at the zero level. Transportation safety in the county has gained 67 points.
While being the 46th in the world rating, Uzbekistan has taken the leading first place for traveling among the CIS countries, followed by Belarus (48th place), Azerbaijan (52th), Turkmenistan (60th), Moldova (66th), Georgia (68th), Kazakhstan (71st), Armenia (72nd), Ukraine (83rd), Russia (86th), Tajikistan (93rd), and Kirgizstan (106th).
The Central African Republic, The Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan have been recognized as the most dangerous countries for traveling during 2020.