The member of the Russian Geographical Association, the author of several guide-books for the Russian Federation regions and the CIS countries, Andrey Suleykov welcomed the idea of promoting extreme tourism in the Aral Sea region, where the visitors of Uzbekistan would be able to plant a tree in the dried bed of the sea.
Uzbekistan is implementing the state program on recovering the Aral Sea region and converting the territory into an area comfortable for living. At the same time, the program is intended to making the territory attractive for investors and tourists. In order to increase the volume of travelers in the western part of the country, the tourists will be personally offered to plant a tree to bring a contribution to the ecosystem recovery of the dried-up sea.
The author of several guide-books and an active Russian traveler Andrey Suleykov ensures that the current method is practiced all over the world and has many priorities, yet involves the least expenses.
“Expanding the touristic zone to the Aral Sea region is a viable measure. Uzbekistan is indeed rich in cultural and historical attractions, but the majority of people travel mainly along the so-called tourist triangle: Tashkent-Samarkand-Bukhara. Such a program is intended to create one more magnet attraction for making tourists travel to Uzbekistan” – commented the expert.
When it comes to inviting the tourists to plant trees in the depth of the Aral Sea, this kind of approach will increase the involvement of foreigners into the local conditions, thus making them not to be in the expectation of the first class service in the area.
“This means a kind of Spartan conditions and such types of a getaway as camping, tracking, hunting, etc. Moreover, this makes one get attached to the place and become connected with the environment. The local people will also experience a positive effect by such an involvement of the tourists. Meanwhile, it does not require too much expenses for improving the infrastructure” – said Suleykov.
Considering the relatively favorable climatic conditions and the attractive picturesque of the Aral region, the expert is convinced that the area will become a very demanded direction for tourists, and the ground labor will help to solve even two problems at a time.
“This territory will be developing and promoting itself with the help of tourists, having a positive effect on both the ecology and the number of travelers. When a person has himself planted a tree somewhere or has made any investment, there is a high level of probability that the person will return to the place after some time. He would want to demonstrate it to his children, so that they get proud of his deed. This is a very beneficial approach” – Suleykov also added.
The expert gave an example of the countries, where they let tourists plant flowers and trees, or collect honey in the aim of promoting ecotourism. For instance, in Georgia people take part in the process of collecting grapes, punching down the berries for the wine and try the ready product prepared by themselves.
“This does not require to invest milliards of dollars as in the cases with constructing a Disney Land or an Aqua Land, however, it is more affordable and natural – connection with the Mother Earth” – concluded the expert.