For the first time in history, a session of the UNWTO General Assembly will be held in Uzbekistan, in the ancient city of Samarkand.
The world's leading TV channel "BBC World News" has launched an advertising campaign to promote the 25th-anniversary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which will be held in Samarkand from October 16 to 20 this year.
An advertising campaign launched on an international television channel BBC World News introduces the unique cultural and historical sights of Samarkand to the audience. One of the key features of the campaign is its emphasis on Samarkand’s rich cultural heritage. The use of the global media platform of the international TV channel BBC World News will strengthen interest in Samarkand and Uzbekistan in general among the authoritative and influential international audience and attract even more foreign tourists to visit Uzbekistan in the coming years.
The 25th anniversary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is expected to be held in Samarkand on October 16-20 this year. It should be noted that for the first time in its history, Uzbekistan is hosting the UNWTO session, which is considered the most important event of the UN General Assembly system. The session is held every two years.
The event brings together heads of government agencies working in the field of tourism, international organizations and representatives of the tourism business from about 160 countries, who will stay in Uzbekistan during the session.
During the 25th session of the General Assembly, issues of international cooperation in the field of tourism will be discussed at plenary sessions and a number of other large-scale conferences. The event will showcase the latest developments in each area, including additional initiatives developed by the UNWTO.
At the same time, while preserving the rich cultural heritage and natural resources of Uzbekistan, it is planned to attract investments that will contribute to the economic growth of our country.
Holding the 25th-anniversary session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in the ancient city of Samarkand will introduce the world to the cultural, tourism, investment and intellectual potential of our country, and will serve to further strengthen international relations with the world community in the field of trade, economics, tourism and culture.
Hosting the event in Samarkand will open up new opportunities for raising the image of Uzbekistan on an international level, opening new doors for further expansion of cooperation with international organizations, and promoting the culture and tourism of Uzbekistan among international audiences.